
Start Off On The Right Foot!

Have questions about Christianity and what we believe as a church?

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We believe that God has revealed Himself to us through His creation and through Scripture.  In Scripture we see that God created all things good and made man to live in a relationship with Him. But man chose to rebel against God and sinned by disobeying God’s command.  Man chose to live according to his own way, rather than God’s way. This same sinful rebellion against God is in every one of us, by birth and by choice. Therefore, our world is fallen and broken. All of us stand condemned before God. But God, being full of mercy and grace, loved us even in our rebellion. He sent Jesus into our fallen world to reclaim what was lost.

We believe that Jesus was fully God and fully man. We believe that He lived the life we should have lived, and then died the death that we deserved. He died on a cross and was raised to life by God the Father three days later. We believe that all who repent of their sins and trust in Jesus as Savior and Lord will receive the gift of life: life in restored relationship with God now, and eternal life with God when we die.


Baptism is the first step a new believer takes after being saved. It demonstrates one’s commitment to follow Christ and desire to share that commitment publicly.  Jesus was baptized, and we believe baptism to be the first step of obedience in following Him. Following the Lord in this way, publicly identifies you with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.  It’s a wonderful outward sign of an internal spiritual reality.   


What do I need to do to be baptized?

  1. Repent of your sins and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord.
  2. Request a meeting with the pastor.
  3. Invite your family and friends to witness your baptism. It’s an event to celebrate as you publicly declare your new life in Christ.


Does it really matter? We believe it does!
It’s biblical.  Jesus established the local church and all the apostles did their ministry through it.  The Christian life in the New Testament is church life. Christians today should expect and desire the same.

The members make up the church.  It’s an organized organism—a living body of believers.  The church is not just a building or a place to worship, but people who follow Jesus Christ.  To be a church in the New Testament is to be one of its members.  And you want to be part of the church because that’s who Jesus came to redeem and reconcile to himself.

It’s how you embody and experience biblical images.  It’s within the accountability structures of the local church that Christians live and experience the interconnectivity of His body.  We are different members of the same body.  The church is also the bride of Christ whereby Christians express and demonstrate their love for Christ and others.  We witness salvations and professions of faith by baptisms; we confess belief through corporate worship; we unite together in membership because of our shared identity in Christ.

It’s how you serve other Christians. Membership helps you to know which Christians on earth you are specifically responsible to love, serve, care for, warn and encourage.  It enables you to fulfill your biblical responsibilities to the body of Christ. (Ephesians 4:11-16; 25-32) There are many “one-another” passages in the New Testament.  The church provides the avenue to fulfill those commands.

It enables church discipline to ensure the purity of the church. It gives you the biblically prescribed place to participate in the work of church discipline responsibly, wisely, and lovingly. (Matthew 18:15-20; I Corinthians 5)  It places an individual Christian’s claim to obey and follow Jesus into a real-life setting where authority is actually exercised over us.  (John 14:15; I John 2:19; Hebrews 13:7, 17)

It’s an intentional and demonstrated commitment.  It’s a formal way to say, I believe and belong.  It’s a commitment that expresses your decision to unite together with others around similar beliefs and choose to belong to each other in order to fulfill God’s will for both you and His church.

Ready to take a step?

Maybe you have read through this and recognize there is an important decision you need to make in your walk with Christ. We would love to connect with you to help walk with you on your journey with Christ. Fill out the form to connect with one of our staff members and we will contact you to discuss more!

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